
This site is a simple showcase of what I have done over the past few years while learning HTML, CSS, jQuery, PHP and Drupal.

This is the website of my best mentor and friend, Brenda Semanick.

This is the website of Brenda's husband and my good friend, David Johnson Vandenberg.

This is the website of my wonderful aunt, Anne Gregory.

This is the website of fellow artist and friend, Kristy Lynn.

This is the website of fellow artist and friend, Andrea Peterson.

This is the website of Tucson's best writer's haven, Casa Libre en la Solana.

This is the website of Tucson jeweler and all-around nice guy, Erik Stewart.

This is the website of a New York City art gallery which promotes contemporary artists from around the world.

This is the website where you will find the artwork of students and instructors at the University of Arizona.